Demian | Conrad

Found this Gus great portfolio page today. Meet Demian Conrad.

Friends of Type

Friends of Type is the place to see typographic process, doodles, and finished work.

Adam Garcia | The Pressure

Adam Garcia is friend of mine that I worked with when I interned at 160over90. Besides being an awesome rapper and hilarious dude he is a phenomenal illustrator/designer.  This is his online portfolio, ThePressure. Take a glance, everything in it rules.

Magnetic Time

I think we all need one of these.

James Kirkups | Portfolio

James Kirkups is a 21 year old graphic designer, and he already has a portfolio bursting with great works. Kirkups’ geometric designs work so well because he’s great with simple colors. His posters are clean and effective.

Plasticbionic | Julien

There's some pretty nice stuff in this portfolio. Dynamic color work

Thomas Addison | Type Design

Here is some work by Thomas Addison, the type posters are so rad.

New | Newwork Mag

Issue No. 4, I'm onto the layouts this magazine comes through with.


A friend of ours just started Fourth Is King, a clothing company that has some pretty dope shirts already up on their online store. With a focus on quality shirts and quality designs, what more can you ask for? Also the owner, Jay, is going to be in a group art show at Rotofugi in Chicago this Friday. It is called My Kinda Town and it opens September 25th from 7-10pm. Check out Rotofugi for more info. Seems like its going to be a solid show and the clothing is real sweet.

All Day I Dream About Sneakers

I came across this branding project done with Adidas originals by Dimitri Kalagas and Chris Cork. Really awesome stuff, that is all i can say. I feel like my size 13 shoe resembles the limousine. Found on BeautifulLife.

Bastard | Graphics

Bastard Graphics, Ha. Graphic Design, Haha.


Kinda Cool, Kinda Crazy, Just Check it out.

Herb Lubalin Archives at Cooper Union

Alyssa Monks Paints!

At first I thought this was a photography portfolio, then I realized that the work was all oil painting. I don't really know what to say about this work but that its amazing. Alyssa Monks.

This Is Tommorrow | Martin Plonka

Martin Plonka is another London artist who went to school in Poland. His graphic design is thoughtful and inventive. This is his site This Is Tommorrow.

James Reynold | Photography

London local's Photography. Some really interesting conceptual work.

Erin Nicole Johnson | Photography

A Fresh and wholesome sort of Photography. Ms. Erin Nicole Johnson.

AATOAA | The Bg Machine

AATOAA designed this sweet website for musician Emilie Simon, One of the best site designs I've seen this year.

Out of the Blue | Design

Out of the Blue designs out of New Zealand with some pretty good work.

If Famous Graphic Artists Were Web Designers

I came across this really interesting article the other day about famous graphic artists and if they were Web Designers. Read up if you appreciate design, where it came from and how its being used today.

Milton Glaser Exhibition

Last night I photo assisted for the opening ceremony of SVA's new theatre. Milton Glaser was guest of honor as he designed the designed a sculpture for the theatre as well as the theater's logo. His design work is on display at SVA's Gallery until Sept 26th. Click the image for more info.

Where The Wild Designers Are | Geoff McFetridge

Twitter is an amazing thing because through it I stumbled upon Spike Jones' blog in which he was talking about Geoff McFetridge, the graphic designer he used for his movie "Where The Wild Things Are".  This is pretty interesting and gives you a good behind the scenes look of the movie and the typography and design involved.

Spike Jones Film Exhibition at MOMA

MOMA in NYC is hosting a film exhibition as part of its filmmakers in focus series on Spike Jones entitled "The First 80 Years". It is running from Oct 8 to the 18th. If you are in town, be sure to check it out.

Aodh O Donnell

My old friend Aodh, pronounced E, recently emailed to catch up. Since last time I saw him, he's begun studying and practicing industrial design. His work so far is quite impressive. Check out his site to view his portfolio of product design work.

Kristian Hammerstad

I came across Kristian's portfolio while just surfing the net. It features some great poster designs along with a pretty neat animated video.

The Fifty States Project

The 50 States Project has collected 50 photographersfrom across the United States. A photographer from each state to represent where they live. Every two months each photographer will be sent an assignment. Then they have to produce one image in response. The images must represent their style and their State.

Hand Painted Helmets

Check out these hand painted helmets by Danielle Baskin under the label Belle. Danielle brought this into the bike shop the other day. They are the cure for the common helmet. The photos do not do the detail justice. They are now also available at Busy Bee Bikes.

Jorgen Axelvall

I met Jorgen while at work at the bike shop recently. He gave me the link to his photo portfolio. Check it out for some awesome work. Do you notice the pun in his URL?

Tim Barber

Tim sent me an email to announce the launch of his new photography website. The new site is definitely worth a look as it showcases his fashion, portrait, and some personal work.

Aakash Nihalani

Aakashi is responsible for a lot a the tape art that has been seen around the city. Much of the work is very eye catching. Check out his tape work along with some of his other projects.

Erik Yahnker

Erik Yahnker does some really great pencil illustrations. He has pretty cool interview on fecalface. Have a read and check out some more of his work.

Jonny Shears

Jonny sent over a link to his new photography online portfolio. It is filled with some great images, including a ten year photo journal. Check it out by clicking the photo.

Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre

These two photographers document commercial and industrial decay. Some classic images for sure.

Street Studio

Photographers Clay Enos and Stephan Ghukfvin took to the streets of NYC for this one of a kind photo shoot. As you would suspect, they came up with some interesting subjects. Click the pic to check out the images.


The strobist is blog that occasionally visit for photography lighting tips and tricks. It features a lot of great tutorials and guides to lighting on a tight budget.

Body Holographic

This is a collaboration of film work from a group of SCAD grads, including my friend Jon Lynn. Check it out for some pretty interesting trailers.

Andrew Strasser

Some very interesting images.

Clark Goolsby

Paintings and other mixed media. Skulls


Art direction, graphic, motion, illustration, and print design with BMX roots from the UK.

After Dark Projects

My friend Lauren Silberman has some work featured in these one night only shows. They are happening through out the summer in NYC. Check it out.